As part of our commitment to decolonise monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL), the ONSIDE Fund aims to incorporate MEL practices that promote different ways of knowing and learning, which reflect the unique perspectives of ONSIDE groups.
As part of this, in 2021, the ONSIDE Fund launched a call for applications for current ONSIDE grantees interested in receiving a learning grant. The purpose of these learnings grants was two-fold; (1) respond to knowledge gaps by generating new learnings that are specific to the region and context of selected groups and (2) further contribute to the discussion on feminism, sport and gender justice in ways that privilege the knowledge, narratives and experiences of selected groups.
After a selection process by members of the ONSIDE Advisory Committee (OAC) together with Women Win, 5 groups were selected to receive a learning grant, with each group deciding the topic, format and language of the final learning 'outputs'. While each 'output' is owned by the groups who produced them, in the spirit of knowledge sharing and exchange, each group has consented for the learnings to be open-sourced and available here on the ONSIDE website.
International Indigenous Women's Forum (FIMI)
In 2021 Women Win and the International Indigenous Women's Forum (FIMI) joint forces to create opportunities for indigenous girls and young women to strengthen their personal and collective empowerment through sports.
Research and Documentation Report
This research is thus carried out as a way to contribute, from the experiences of the organizations, elements that allow explaining the relationship between the practice of sports and the strengthening of leadership and empowerment of Indigenous Women. In this setting, the aim is to promote the visibility of the opportunities that sports bring to women in different ways (cultural, spiritual, rights, economic, etc.).
Read it here:
Sports practices to strengthen the leadership of Indigenous Women
Gray City Rebels
Highlighting the power of roller derby as a space for inclusion and acceptance, with this short video Gray City Rebels aims to showcase the sport, predominantly practised by women and non-binary people, and encourage greater participation. In addition, the video explores the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on roller derby groups in Brazil and emphasises how playing sport is beneficial for both physical and mental health.
(Portuguese with English subtitles)
Western Kenyan LBQT Feminist Forum: "Tough on Turf"
Examining the systemic discrimination faced by women and gender non-conforming individuals within football in Kenya, Western Kenyan LGBT Feminist Forum carried out an in-depth study and focus group discussions with members of 8 Kenyan football teams. The findings from this have been published in a survey report and position paper, which also include recommendations for the Kenyan Football Federation on how they can make football, on multiple levels, a more inclusive space.
Paper (English)
Position Paper
Survey Findings
Towards a Better Tomorrow for Development and Empowerment
Amplifying the experiences of a variety of young female athletes competing in diverse sports including football, fencing, gymnastics and Tae Kwon Do, this video by Towards A Better Tomorrow for Development and Empowerment aims to challenge entrenched societal norms and encourage more girls, women and non-binary people to start playing sports.
(Arabic with English subtitles)
Komon ta jkoltajvatik A.C: "Promover la Justicia de Género"
Through their short role-play video produced in Tzotzil (the language of the Tzotzil Maya, an indigenous community in Mexico), Komon highlights the differing societal norms and expectations placed on girls and boys and shares how these can look within specific indigenous communities. Aiming to confront deep-rooted machismo, the video promotes gender justice within sports and explores the value of girls being allowed to play and practice sports.
(Tzotzil with Spanish and English subtitles)
People's Ultimate League: "The Play with Pride Handbook"
Through their ‘Play with Pride’ Handbook available in Hindi, Tamil and English, People’s Ultimate have curated a short guide for sports teams, supporting them to create truly inclusive spaces for all gender identities. The Handbook defines common terminology, highlights the importance of language in making people feel included and shares some practical suggestions. In parallel to this, PUL have developed an online ‘Play with Pride’ illustrated archive, documenting the stories of different individuals and specifically exploring how their gender identity has influenced their experience of sports. This aims to be a living space, with the collection continuously updated with new stories and experiences.
Gender Inclusive Guide in Hindi
Gender Inclusive Guide in Tamil
Gender Inclusive Guide in English
Almas Digital Women Grassroots
Through the creation of feminist animated videos and art pieces, Almas Digital Women Grassroots Uganda aims to empower girls and women to feel confident participating in gaming and esports in Uganda.
Enabling the creation of inclusive and supportive esports and gaming spaces, AnyKey has created an eligibility verification system for esports competitors of marginalized genders.
Ohio Youth Development
Showcasing women’s roles in creating gender equity in gaming, Ohio Youth Development created a gaming and life skills curriculum and workbook for use with girls aged 8-18 to raise awareness of career and collegiate gaming opportunities for girls and young women in the United States.
Curriculum in English
Investigating the taboo on girls’ participation in video games and sports through participatory dialogues, Action des Volontaires d'Innovation pour le Développement (AVID) DRC produced a
report on the community perceptions around girls and gaming in Lake Tanganyika
Research report in English
FemDevs Peru
Addressing the gap in awareness and access to non-English resources in the gaming sector, FemDevs Peru has created a Notion resource center for Latin American women to get started in the video game industry. This hub will also promote the work of Latin American women developers in order to inspire others.