The ONSIDE Fund seeks to actively support girls, women, and non-binary persons from systemically oppressed and marginalised communities who are advancing gender justice in and through sport and play to bring about social change.
ONSIDE grantees
Founded in 2018, Koun operates in refugee camps and community centres across the country.
Koun uses trauma-informed Yoga and meditation to promote mental health, well-being, and empowerment. The organisation focuses on refugees, migrant workers, LGTBQIA+ communities, as well as economically marginalised groups and vulnerable women and girls.

National Indigenous Disabled Women Association Nepal (NIDWAN)
NIDWAN, founded in 2015, promotes sport as a transformative power, particularly for women with disabilities.
NIDWAN brings sports activities, events and tournaments to rural areas where access is usually very challenging for people with disabilities. By providing them with the opportunity to compete and demonstrate their physical ability, sport helps reduce stereotypes and negative perceptions associated with women and disabilities.

Fundación GOLEES
Founded in 2019, Fundación GOLEES’ mission is to create spaces, through football, for social transformation where girls and women in social vulnerability can develop fully, without patriarchal restrictions or inequality.
Their vision is to build a more inclusive, fairer and less violent society. There, gender would not be an impediment to development on or off the football fields. GOLEES’ motto is ‘Never again a football without us, never again a world without us, feminist football for all!’